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Sister Circle: The Power Of Sisterhood-A Guide To Becoming The Woman God Designed You To Be is a book for women and their daughters that describes how important unity is to every woman’s wholeness. It shows that a sister circle will help women understand the womanhood process and how to avoid the pitfalls that most women experience by teaching women how to value themselves and each other.
Written by: Cheryle T. Ricks Copyright © 2013 by Cheryle T. Ricks
ISBN: Paperback 9781628397895
Caregiver, first take care of yourself, December 4, 2013 By Mary Ellis - See all my reviews. This review is from: Sister Circle: The Power Of Sisterhood (Kindle Edition) Finally! A book to help women by a person with no fancy strings of letters behind her name but a wealth of experience in life with a capital L. Cheryle puts the facts of women's age-long voluntary servitude to family, friends, lovers, church, and workplace in the plain language of example and reflection. It's short, but every sentence contains an insight for people struggling to be effective caregivers while often neglecting their own needs and becoming exhausted and discouraged in the process. Cheryle is the mamma/grandma/pastor/auntie/older sister/best friend you may never have had. She'll tell you the truth, lift you up, and set you down on a path to recognize and respect your personal, unique beauty and talent and introduce you to her own sources of energy and renewal.
​Finding Me, December 6, 2013 By Michele Turner - See all my reviews This review is from: Sister Circle: The Power Of Sisterhood (Kindle Edition) A must read for all women looking to identify herself with the author speaking the experience, words, emotions, and TRUTH just as you are experiencing. This book read and spoke to me in a very personal and gentle way. I must say peace has been brought into my spirit and mind. I encourage every woman young and old to purchase this amazing book to encourage, motivate and uplift your life and the life of other women connected to you. I thank God for this woman and her victory which as given me freedom and a path to my own victory.
Círculo de hermanas: El poder de la hermandad: una guía para convertirte en la mujer que Dios te diseñó para ser es un libro para mujeres y sus hijas que describe cuán importante es la unidad para la integridad de cada mujer. Muestra que un círculo de hermanas ayudará a las mujeres a comprender el proceso de convertirse en mujeres y cómo evitar los obstáculos que experimentan la mayoría de las mujeres al enseñarles cómo valorarse a sí mismas y a las demás.
Cuidador, primero cuídese usted mismo, 4 de diciembre de 2013 Por Mary Ellis - Vea todas mis reseñas. Esta reseña es de: Sister Circle: The Power Of Sisterhood (Edición Kindle) ¡Por fin! Un libro para ayudar a las mujeres escrito por una persona sin lujosas cadenas de letras detrás de su nombre pero con una gran experiencia en la vida con L mayúscula. Cheryle expone los hechos de la servidumbre voluntaria de las mujeres durante siglos a familiares, amigos, amantes, iglesia y lugar de trabajo en el lenguaje sencillo del ejemplo y la reflexión. Es breve, pero cada frase contiene una idea para las personas que luchan por ser cuidadores eficaces y que a menudo descuidan sus propias necesidades y se agotan y desaniman en el proceso. Cheryle es la mamá/abuela/pastora/tía/hermana mayor/mejor amiga que quizás nunca hayas tenido. Ella te dirá la verdad, te animará y te encaminará hacia el reconocimiento y el respeto de tu belleza y talento personales y únicos, y te presentará sus propias fuentes de energía y renovación. Finding Me, 6 de diciembre de 2013 Por Michele Turner - Ver todas mis reseñas Esta reseña es de: Sister Circle: The Power Of Sisterhood (Edición Kindle) Una lectura obligada para todas las mujeres que buscan identificarse con la autora que habla de la experiencia, las palabras, emociones y VERDAD tal como estás experimentando. Este libro me leyó y me habló de una manera muy personal y gentil. Debo decir que la paz ha llegado a mi espíritu y a mi mente. Animo a todas las mujeres, jóvenes y mayores, a comprar este increíble libro para alentar, motivar y mejorar su vida y la de otras mujeres relacionadas con usted. Doy gracias a Dios por esta mujer y su victoria que me dio libertad y un camino hacia mi propia victoria.

Through an inspiring work of spiritual teaching, the author explores the strength and rest that is found in Christ to help believers overcome any challenge in life. With profound wisdom and revelatory biblical insight, Rest in God: How to Keep Living When Life Gets Hard shares the powerful truth that you are never alone when you place your trust in the Lord.
Each chapter offers new teaching that builds upon the previous teaching in the book. The author’s voice is both comforting and confident, speaking compassionately to the reader while successfully guiding the reader to the spiritual truth within God’s Word which allows the reader to build trust with the author, as the reader feels cared for and nurtured by the author’s words. The author’s focus on walking alongside the reader through the teaching and reiterating that the reader is not alone in life furthers this feeling of care.
The author uses her personal experience to provide real-life examples for the reader to understand the biblical truths in the book. This use of personal experience also allows the reader to relate to the author, identifying with the author’s challenges and hardships so the reader can have hope that they too can overcome their circumstances with the love of Christ to reach their destiny and purpose.
-Xulon Press

This book is a life lesson for individuals and families. Life is unscripted and relationships can be harmed or even broken, sometimes by circumstances beyond our control. The book explores the circumstances that can cause rifts in even the closest relationships. The pain and emotional toll are highlighted and helps to explain why people do what they do. The author has keen insight into relationships and the importance of having God included in those relationships.
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